Welcome to four76.net!
My name is Tom Meyer
I’ve been involved with finance for over 50 years
and I believe I have an important message to share.
Our financial system has never been weaker and confidence in the stock market has never been higher. This reality disconnect is dangerous. People will die. A lot of smart people look at all the money we borrow and spend and declare the economy to be strong. This is nuts.
Question: Would you invest 100% of your money betting on someone who had maxed out 100 credit cards? Obviously not, yet this exactly what most are doing.
Most would consider betting that someone can live off borrowed funds forever is insane, . Pensions, endowments, foundations, and everyone else are almost 100% invested trying to maximize their returns. Blowing up a financial bubble works great until the very end - then almost everyone is destroyed.
Financial authorities have “rescued” the economy by continuously borrowing more $. By trying to avoid another 1929 we have bankrupted ourselves and now face a less well known date: 476
476 was the final year of the Roman Empire. Stocks will not do well in an unprecedented economic collapse. The other possibility is hyper inflation. Also, not so good.
The purpose of this web site is to highlight what I feel are under appreciated risks, and to discuss possible strategies for what looks to be a very challenging environment.
I am launching this web site now (April 2024) because I believe the risks have now become so extreme, that ignoring them is dangerous.
I want to share my thoughts and research about why our economy is headed for collapse, and open up honest conversation about what we should do to protect ourselves in the possibility of financial collapse. I believe understanding the real threat this poses to each of us is everyone’s right. Hopefully what I wrote will help people to think critically about the information we are being fed about the financial state of our country, and why.
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